VMLabs System

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VMLAB: The rationale for this implementation was to reduce the barrier for project creation and facilitate ad hoc experimentation. It was my goal to make this minimally intimidating for inexperienced users.

I thought it easiest if those who were less confident had a familiar interface and I didn't suspect anyone regardless of experience will be offended by a GUI, so I opted for a browser based system.

I did this through a management interface called Kimchi, which is a plugin for wok the webserver. ginger is used as a plugin mgmt system. the whole thing is backed by KVM acting as a hypervisor. Here's a link of just the interface: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kimchi-project/kimchi/master/docs/kimchi-templates.png

From the web interface, users can create vm's from template (locally hosted iso's), monitor usage, and run a console through the web browser

Login info: uname: vmlab pw: uas

VMLab Specs:

OS:Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Sorry, I built it right before the new release) RAM: 64 Gb CPU: 4 dual core AMD Opterons (3GHZ) HDD: 660Gb

Relevant links: https://github.com/kimchi-project/kimchi https://github.com/kimchi-project/wok https://www.linux.com/news/kvm-or-xen-choosing-virtualization-platform